domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Third and last reborn lesson, Nouveau et dernier jour de cours reborn

Vanessa est venu aujourd'hui pour voir naître son bébé. On a passé la matinée et l'après midi à assembler le reborn, couper les cheveux, faire la sucette,... et puis à la fin je l'ai fait cadeau d'un photo shoot pour sa petite Isabella. Et voilà les résultats et sa heureuse maman. Merci Vanessa, je me suis très bien amusé. A bientôt!!

Vanessa came today for her third and last reborn lesson. We spent the morning and a little bit more assembling the baby, gluing magnets, cutting it's hair,... and at the end I wanted to offer Vanessa a gift: Isabella's first photo shoot. Here you have the results and her happy mum. Thanks Vanessa, thanks very much. I had a wonderful time!!

Isabella est née à 13:45
Isabella was born at 13:45

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello!!!!! The baby looks really beautiful. The pictures are really good. Kisses

  2. Thanks very much!! Love you like them. We had a lovely time!!


In 2009 I won the first price of Reborn Artistry contest. I'm very proud of it

In 2009 I won the first price of Reborn Artistry contest. I'm very proud of it