Babies in progress. Coming soon!! Bébés bientôt disponibles

Evelina Wosnujk (Maurice)

I'm working with two different kits, Maurice and Ryan (Natalie Scholl). Both of them are adorable. At this point both are waiting for some details to be finish and I will start rooting hair. Anyway here I leave you some pictures of their reborning process. Enjoy!

Maurice with three flesh layers

Maurice almost finish

Ryan (Natalie Scholl)

I was delighted reborning this preemie. He is cute, so small,... Some pictures of his reborning process. Hope you like

With some milk bumps (I copy from my own little son. He had a lot of them all over the nose, when he was born)

Right now I added some texture to his face and he came out of the oven like this

He has to wait a little bit more for getting his hair rooted...I will add a final coat to his barely there painted hair in order to seal it and I will start with the hard work: rooting!!

Hello, I just want to introduce you these two kits that I am working with. Noah (Reva Schick) is just beautiful, don't know yet if it's going to be a girl or a boy. Noah took until now about 12th layers!!! Just thin washes, thin layers and mottling. H needs now all the little details that will make it come alive: capillaries, shadows, eyebrows, nails, more detail on the lips adding some flesh tones. But I am more than happy with him until now. Leggies and arms are at the same stage, just adding some more details and they will be perfect. Thanks for looking!!

And here we have baby Jaden, I ordered it from Bountiful Baby, and it was sculpted by Aleina Peterson. She's so small, like newborns sweet. I adore reborning her but I have to finish Jaden. The poor little girl has been waiting two years to be finished!! This was the kit I took to Idex, Orlando in 2010. I painted her at Stephanie Sullivan's class. Now that I begin to have more time and my children go some days to school I can reborn again.
She will get painted hair.

In 2009 I won the first price of Reborn Artistry contest. I'm very proud of it

In 2009 I won the first price of Reborn Artistry contest. I'm very proud of it